Sonny Mac AKA "The South Strathcona Songsmith" is no stranger to havin’ a good moniker or two. But there was one event that changed your favourite cowboy’s life... one that branded him with a new name.
To have a cognomen is to have a story, and a name of this stature doesnt just up and show itself from thin air - no - it has to be sewn from the threads of happiness and sorrow, light and dark, and whatever other conflictin' concepts you can think of.
This here tale you're about to listen to is the story of how your friendly neighbourhood cowboy came to be called by his most notorious moniker.
Act 2
With his throat parched from the trail dust and his lonesome heart filled with pain, Sonny sang his soul bare and then turned to the bottle to wash it all away. This was how Sonny lived his life day after day, night after night until one fateful meeting.
Somewhere along the lines a lost stagecoach came to town to restock on supplies. It was on this coach that brought a beautiful woman, one that immediately caught the eye of our solitary cowboy. He pined after her and sought to win her love. He sang her the most beautiful melodies - tunes so pretty even the sweet sounds of the whippoorwill couldn’t even compare. A courtship bloomed.
Act 4
Weeks passed by and Sonny was back to bein’ blind drunk and alone again. It was then that rumours circled about the Night Rider and his bandit clan resurfacing. Whispers of cattle rustlin’ and rum running based out of a camp they’d set up not six days ride away. With his mind set on revenge and a belly full of booze, Sonny set out alone to confront the rider.
Now what happened next nobody knows for sure but legend has it that Sonny ambushed the gang on horseback with a big iron in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. Some say he took more shots of whiskey than shots fired from his gun. The next day, the sheriff along with the cavalry set off to assist with the fight. When they arrived they found only Sonny Mac, surrounded by dead bandits and empty whiskey bottles.

Act 1:
This here's the tale of Sonny Mac, a lone rider who's mellifluous song could make an entire saloon hoot and holler only then to soften the hardest hearts and bring a tear to yer eye. A skill which earned him the moniker of "The South Strathcona Songsmith".
Now as good of a name as that was, and it was a good name, this-a-here story ain't how he earned that particular name - no - this thread I'm about to weave is how he acquired is next most notorious handle: Borrachon.
Act 3
A courtship bloomed, but alas it wasn't to last for long. A bandit gang led by the notorious Night Rider raided the small town and a bloody skirmish ensued. It was a tough fight but Sonny along with the local sherriff managed to hold the bandits off - not without sacrifice though. As the gang was on the run, the woman that Sonny had so come to love was shot dead by Night Rider himself as he escaped town.
It was a bittersweet victory, because in this town he saw his late love everywhere. The curve of her body in the woodgrain of the bar, the scent of her perfume from the towns bloomin' flowers, or the warmth of her smile from the sun's rays. Wracked with greif, the call of the bottle with the sweet taste of the devils water was the only thing that could soothe his wounded heart.
Act 5
With the Night Rider eliminated Sonny cut off all ties, packed up his things and left for the next town in search of a new saloon to call his home. This is why he's earned the name: Borrachon.